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BEI Resources Knowledge Base

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The Knowledge Base is an informational database assembled by our Support Specialists and Scientific Staff which provides additional knowledge about the BEI Resources program and reagents through questions and answers. In order to use the Knowledge Base, enter a keyword or phrase that best describes the information of interest. More >>

Showing 1 to 5 of 91 Results12345678910...>>
How much do the reagents cost?
All reagents are provided world-wide at no cost. While there is no cost for the reagents themselves, additional shipping and handling charges may apply and will display in the shopping cart if applicable.
Author: BEI Resources
Rating: 5
Updated on: 8/1/2013 8:18:49 AM
Do you distribute oocysts of Cryptosporidium parvum and cysts of Giardia intestinalis?

BEI Resources used to distribute oocysts of Cryptosporidium parvum up until 2008. Distribution was stopped due to low demand and the well documented loss of viability of oocysts after 4-6 months at 4oC. We do not distribute cysts of Giardia intestinalis due to difficulties in obtaining an external source and high probability of low demand for the cysts.

Author: BEI Resources
Updated on: 12/4/2013 10:09:41 AM
Do you have any tips for growing Anaerobes?
  • Start with the media on the product sheet.
  • Make sure the environment is truly anaerobic by using indicator strips in any containers or anaerobic chambers. There are chemical indicators that can be added to liquid media as well. If your laboratory cannot produce a truly anaerobic media, consider purchasing media made under anaerobic conditions.
  • Pre-reduce all media prior to inoculating.
  • Spot some of the anaerobic growth on a rich media, such as tryptic soy with 5 % sheep& rsquo s blood, and inoculate aerobically to check for contamination.
Author: BEI Resources
Updated on: 12/5/2013 1:01:55 PM
Is the passage history available for viruses?

We make every attempt to get the detailed passage history from the depositing scientist during the acquisition process. At BEI Resources, every effort is made to maintain minimal passage number by employing a seed stock concept, minimizing the passage number from depositor seed material to distribution vial.

Author: BEI Resources
Updated on: 7/12/2022 11:09:26 AM
What is the relationship between BEI Resources and ATCC?
BEI Resources has been managed under contract by American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) since 2003. A seven-year contract to continue managing BEI Resources was awarded to ATCC in June 2010.
Author: BEI Resources
Updated on: 6/21/2013 2:07:14 PM
Showing 1 to 5 of 91 Results12345678910...>>

Showing 1 to 5 of 9 Results12
SARS Virus Now Available for Researchers
We have available for the first time in the BEI Resources catalog, two SARS Coronaviruses (SARS-CoV) derived from the Urbani strain. NR-18925 is produced from a recombinant infectious clone, icSARS-CoV. NR-15418 is the mouse-adapted strain, Urbani v2163, developed by Dr. Barnard as a lethal model fo ...
Author: BEI Resources
Updated on: 12/4/2018 2:36:38 PM
Sand Flies, Reduviids and Ticks are Here!
BEI Resources announces the addition of Sand Flies, Reduviids and Ticks for the research community. Catalog Number Vector Pathogen Competence   NR-43999 Phlebotomus papatasi, PPNS, Larval Leishmania major and Sand Fly Fever phleboviruses.   NR-44000 Phlebotomus papata ...
Author: BEI Resources
Updated on: 12/4/2018 2:32:27 PM
Development of let digital PCR for the detection of Babesia microti and Babesia duncani
Development of let digital PCR for the detection of Babesia microti and Babesia duncani Babesia spp. are obligate protozoan parasites of red blood cells. Transmission to humans occurs through bites from infected ticks or blood transfusion. Infections with B. microti account for the majority of the ...
Author: BEI Resources
Updated on: 12/9/2014 10:58:36 AM
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Production Manuals & SOP's from Dr. Karen Dobos
Please use this link  to find a comprehensive list of  protocols and SOPs for Mycobacterium tuberculosis including: Large Scale Growth Subcellular Fractions Preparation and Fractionation of Cell Wall Proper Lipoarabinomannan (LAM) and Lipomannan (LM) Antibodies Microarrays Media Native Ma ...
Author: BEI Resources
Updated on: 11/20/2014 11:18:21 AM
BEI Resources Fungi Catalog is Growing!
  BEI Resources is working to expand the fungal catalog so that researchers have a broader range of organisms and reagents for their work.  BEI Resources currently has eight genus and species represented with several more currently going through the production pipeline.  BEI Resources i ...
Author: BEI Resources
Updated on: 8/29/2014 9:49:43 AM
Showing 1 to 5 of 9 Results12
The following is a list of published abstracts and papers where the work was either facilitated, or directly supported, by the BEI Resources Program.

Showing 1 to 5 of 184 Results12345678910...>>
Oviedo, J.M., et al., Schistosoma mansoni antigen induced innate immune memory features mitochondrial biogenesis and can be inhibited by ovarian produced hormones. bioRxiv, 2025: p. 2025.01. 14.632838.
Author: BEI Resources
Updated on: 2/4/2025 12:49:08 PM
Ashong, Y., et al., Preliminary investigation into xenomonitoring as a tool for monitoring and evaluation of schistosomiasis community-wide mass drug administration campaign: prospects and limitations. 2024.
Author: BEI Resources
Updated on: 1/13/2025 10:44:57 AM
Phan, P., et al., ARGONAUTE2 Localizes to Sites of Sporocysts in the Schistosome Infected Snail, Biomphalaria glabrata. Genes 2024, 15, 1023. 2024.
Author: BEI Resources
Updated on: 10/2/2024 1:08:00 PM
Blouin, M.S., et al., Susceptibility of BS90 Biomphalaria glabrata snails to infection by Sm LE Schistosoma mansoni segregates as a dominant allele in a cluster of polymorphic genes for single-pass transmembrane proteins. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2024. 18(9): p. e0012474.
Author: BEI Resources
Updated on: 10/2/2024 10:27:59 AM
Phan, P., et al., ARGONAUTE2 Localizes to Sites of Sporocysts in the Schistosome-Infected Snail, Biomphalaria glabrata. Genes, 2024. 15(8): p. 1023.
Author: BEI Resources
Updated on: 9/9/2024 12:26:25 PM
Showing 1 to 5 of 184 Results12345678910...>>
The following is a list of published abstracts and papers where the work was either facilitated, or directly supported, by the NIH HIV Reagent Program.

Showing 1 to 5 of 1077 Results12345678910...>>
Author: HIV
Updated on: 3/28/2024 8:38:45 PM

2009 - 2011 Journal Citations

Author: HIV
Updated on: 3/28/2024 8:38:45 PM

2006 - 2008 Journal Citations

Author: HIV
Updated on: 3/28/2024 8:38:45 PM

2003 - 2005 Journal Citations

Author: HIV
Updated on: 3/28/2024 8:38:45 PM

2000 - 2002 Journal Citations

Author: HIV
Updated on: 3/28/2024 8:38:45 PM
Showing 1 to 5 of 1077 Results12345678910...>>

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