TARGET Research Results
DescriptionProbable conserved integral membrane protein
Accession numberRv2180c
Gene nameRv2180c
Gene length888
Protein length295
Molecular mass33195.13
Isoelectric point10.83

Database Crossreferences
Deletion Mutant Phenotype
in-vivoguinea pig


Mutant Survival in DeADMAn (Lamichhane et al., 2005)*

Strain NamePhenotype (Mouse)
JHU2180c-27[no data]
JHU2180c-762[no data]
JHU2180c-386[no data]
JHU2180c-495[no data]

CDC1551 Homolog
Essentiality Prediction
Sassetti et al, 2003*non-essential

JHU Transposon Mutant(s) Available
NameMT#Rv#POIGene LengthAvailable from BEI
JHU2180c-762MT2235Rv2180c762939no (will be available later)
For a list of currently available mutants, please visit BEI's transposon mutant webpage.

If we have not disrupted your gene using random mutagenesis, we may be able to create a knockout mutant for you.

Lamichhane, G., M. Zignol, N. J. Blades, D. E. Geiman, A. Dougherty, J. Grosset, K. W. Broman, and W. R. Bishai. (2003) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100:7213-7218. [Abstract/Free Full Text]
Sassetti, C. M., Boyd, D. H. & Rubin, E. J. (2003) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100:12989-12994. [Abstract/Free Full Text]
Lamichhane G, Tyagi S, Bishai WR (2005) Infect Immun. Apr;73(4):2533-40.
[Abstract/Free Full Text]