New Released Reagents

New Reagent

The search engine found new reagents in the following categories.


Showing 1 to 16 of 16 Results
BEI NumberAscending OrderDescriptionLevelReleased Date
NR-55397 Spike Glycoprotein Receptor Binding Domain (RBD) from SARS-Related Coronavirus 2, V367F Variant with C-Terminal Histidine Tag, Recombinant from HEK293 Cells SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 BEI Level 1 May 2024
NR-55398 Spike Glycoprotein Receptor Binding Domain (RBD) from SARS-Related Coronavirus 2, N354D Variant with C-Terminal Histidine Tag, Recombinant from HEK293 Cells SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 BEI Level 1 June 2024
NR-55399 Spike Glycoprotein Receptor Binding Domain (RBD) from SARS-Related Coronavirus 2, R408I Variant with C-Terminal Histidine Tag, Recombinant from HEK293 Cells SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 BEI Level 1 May 2024
NR-55407 Monoclonal Anti-SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 Spike Glycoprotein Receptor Binding Domain (RBD), Chimeric Antibody Human IgG1, Clone AM122 (produced in vitro) SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 BEI Level 1 June 2024
NR-55419 Spike Glycoprotein S1 Domain from SARS-Related Coronavirus 2, HV69-70del/N501Y/D614G Variant with C-Terminal Histidine Tag, Recombinant from HEK293 Cells SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 BEI Level 1 July 2024
NR-55421 Spike Glycoprotein (Stabilized) from SARS-Related Coronavirus 2, B.1.1.7 Variant (9 Mutations) with C-Terminal Histidine Tag, Recombinant from HEK293 Cells SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 BEI Level 1 May 2024
NR-55701 Spike Glycoprotein (Stabilized) from Human Coronavirus 229E with C-Terminal Histidine and Twin-Strep® Tags, Recombinant from HEK293 Cells Human Coronavirus BEI Level 1 May 2024
NR-56479 Spike S1+S2 Trimer Protein (Extracellular Domain) from SARS-Related Coronavirus 2, B.1.1.529 (Omicron) with C-Terminal Histidine Tag, Recombinant from HEK293 Cells SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 BEI Level 1 May 2024
NR-58670 SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 Vector pCR3.1 Containing the SARS-Related Coronavirus 2, USA-WA1/2020 Spike Glycoprotein Gene BEI Level 1 June 2024
NR-58671 SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 Vector pCR3.1 Containing the SARS-Related Coronavirus 2, Spike Glycoprotein Gene, Lineage B.1.351, Beta Variant BEI Level 1 June 2024
NR-58991 Spike Glycoprotein (Stabilized) from SARS-Related Coronavirus 2, (Lineage BA.2.75; Omicron Variant) with C-Terminal Histidine and Avi Tags, Recombinant from HEK293 Cells SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 BEI Level 1 August 2024
NR-59227 Spike Glycoprotein ΔTM from SARS Coronavirus with C-Terminal Histidine Tag, Recombinant from Baculovirus SARS Coronavirus BEI Level 1 August 2024
NR-59702 SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 Isolate hCoV-19/USA/MD-HP49081/2023 (Lineage DV.7.1) in VTA Cells BEI Level 3 June 2024
NR-59703 SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 Isolate hCoV-19/USA/MD-HP49152/2023 (Lineage HV.1) BEI Level 3 June 2024
NR-59709 SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 Isolate hCoV-19/USA/CA-Stanford-165_S29/2023 (Lineage HK.3) BEI Level 3 May 2024
NR-59786 SARS-Related Coronavirus 2 Isolate hCoV-19/USA/MD-HP50212/2023 (Lineage BA.2.86.1) BEI Level 3 June 2024
Showing 1 to 16 of 16 Results