Isolates of Trypanosoma brucei Used in In Vivo Research


The African trypanosomes infect a broad range of mammals across sub-Saharan Africa and result in significant losses to domestic livestock. Subspecies of Trypanosoma brucei also cause African trypanosomiasis in humans resulting in approximately 20,000 cases per year.1 The development of vaccines against this disease is extremely difficult due to high antigenic variation of trypanosome surface glycoproteins, and a rise in resistance to trypanocidal drugs has been documented.2,3 Mouse models of infection and drug susceptibility are critical to understanding the mechanisms of disease and the development of new therapeutic drugs.

BEI Resources houses several isolates of T. brucei to support in vivo research on African trypanosomiasis. T. brucei subsp. gambiense, strain 348BT (NR-53513) is a recent acquisition that was isolated from a patient in the Democratic Republic of Congo before receiving treatment with melarsoprol that displays reduced sensitivity to the drug in laboratory mice.4,5

Other African trypanosome acquisitions in BEI Resources catalog include the reference T. brucei subsp. brucei, strain TREU 667 (NR-46440), as well as a variety of clinical isolates used in drug susceptibility studies in vivo. For more information on the availability of these cultures, please visit the BEI Resources website or contact Customer Care at


BEI Resources 

Product Description


Trypanosoma brucei subsp. brucei, Strain STIB 247


Trypanosoma brucei subsp. gambiense, Strain STIB 386


Trypanosoma brucei subsp. rhodesiense, Strain KETRI 243


Trypanosoma brucei subsp. rhodesiense, Strain KETRI 269


Trypanosoma brucei subsp. rhodesiense, Strain KETRI 2285


Trypanosoma brucei subsp. rhodesiense, Strain KETRI 2482


Trypanosoma brucei subsp. rhodesiense, Strain KETRI 2538


Trypanosoma brucei subsp. rhodesiense, Strain KETRI 2537


Trypanosoma brucei subsp. rhodesiense, Strain KETRI 2562


Trypanosoma brucei subsp. rhodesiense, Strain KETRI 2772


Trypanosoma brucei subsp. brucei, Strain Lab 110 EATRO


Trypanosoma brucei subsp. brucei, TREU 667


Trypanosoma brucei subsp. gambiense, Strain 348BT




















  1. Brun, R., et al. “Human African Trypanosomiasis.” Lancet 375 (2010): 148-159. PubMed: 19833383.
  2. Büscher, P., et al. “Human African Trypanosomiasis.” Lancet 390 (2017): 2397-2409. PubMed: 28673422.
  3. “Trypanosomiasis, Human African (Sleeping Sickness).” World Health Organization, Accessed 29 July 2021.
  4. Pyana, P. P., et al. “Isolation of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense from Cured and Relapsed Sleeping Sickness Patients and Adaptation to Laboratory Mice.” PLoS Negl. Trop. Dis. 5 (2011): e1025. PubMed: 21526217.
  5. Pyana, P. P., et al. “Melarsoprol Sensitivity Profile of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense Isolates from Cured and Relapsed Sleeping Sickness Patients from the Democratic Republic of Congo.” PLoS Negl. Trop. Dis. 8 (2014): e3212. PubMed: 25275572.

Image:  Photomicrograph of Trypanosoma brucei parasites in a Giemsa-stained blood sample (CDC/Blaine Mathison)

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