A system generated password will be sent to the email address used to login to the site. You will then be prompted to change the password; please follow the guidelines required to create a password.
Password Guidelines:
- Please make sure that you are using the most current temporary password.If you have made multiple requests for temporary passwords, the newest temporary password you received will invalidate any previously sent temporary passwords and they will no longer work for you.
- The new password you create must be completely new. It cannot be one that you have used in the past.
- Also, if your web browser has any functionality of the auto completion of forms, make sure that it is placing in the correct information and not auto filling with incorrect information. Auto completion with incorrect information can cause errors when attempting to create a new password.
- You must use at least eight characters
- One or more of each of the following:
- Upper-case letter
- Number
- Special character ( )[ ] ! @ # $ % ^ & * (No other special characters are allowed)